Turn your learning
challenge into a
Dynamic experience
After delivering over 500 NHS communication projects for over 135 trusts, we’re ready to do it for yours.
There can’t be many more vital tasks than being responsible for the learning and development of healthcare professionals. That’s why choosing the right partner with the right experience is just as important.
Tell us your challenge. We'll tell you how we can help.
Alternatively, call 0113 323 0760 or email contact@dynamicbusiness.co.uk.
Inspire, train and retain staff
From helping staff to control infection to ensuring that Continuing Professional Development (CPD) objectives are met, from progressing junior doctors through clinical inductions to saving Trusts money – and still improving their LMS functionality – Dynamic can rise to any of your challenges. See how we’ve overcome just a few healthcare challenges out of the hundreds we’ve risen to over the last 20 years.

Infection, Prevention and Control
Building multiple modules aimed at all healthcare professionals.
With a wide range of activities, reflective exercises and media-rich resources, we developed this national programme of study in partnership with MFT and NHSEI North West. It comprises three pathways of learning at Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced levels.
The Foundation level is split into eight stand-alone units of learning (approximately 10 hours) with workbooks and activities for each unit and a final summary exercise (unit) to help users to crystallise what they’ve learned.
Dedication and accreditation
The Intermediate and Advanced programmes each contain four units of learning with reflective activities and a portfolio to evidence learning for optional accreditation from the University of Bolton.
Dynamic worked very closely with subject matter experts from beginning to end. We also involved our clients in some of the video presentations and scenarios, enhancing the realism of the training.
On completion of the project, Dynamic produced marketing materials which included a promotional video of the pathway and a filmed podcast to increase engagement with the material.

"It is a pleasure to work with such a can-do team as Dynamic."
Andy Worth
Elearning Lead
Dorset Healthcare
NHS Foundation Trust
"Working with the team at Dynamic has been amazing."
Soo Jones
Manchester Foundation Trust
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Providing more than 90 modules of CPD.
MFT, the largest NHS acute Trust in the country approached Dynamic to deliver a raft of training across the whole organisation.
From Clinical Skills across all areas of medicine to research fundamentals, patient communication and ophthalmology, we’ve worked closely with subject matter experts at every stage.
Creating engagement and change

Do you want to see how we helped an NHS trust save half a million pounds in training costs each year?
Not ready to review your NHS learning partner? Let us know when you are and we'll contact you, then.
Alternatively, call 0113 323 0760 or email contact@dynamicbusiness.co.uk.
Developing an online survey tool, platform and toolkit for team leaders in the NHS.
TED is a tool we’ve designed to help teams understand how effectively they work together. It empowers individuals and provides team members with a meaningful voice, whilst simultaneously enabling team leaders to have the conversations that matter the most to their team.
Since 2017, we’ve partnered with Lancashire Teaching Hospitals to develop TED – an invaluable toolkit for team leaders in the NHS and beyond.
From the initial tool designed for a small audience in Lancashire, we’ve grown TED to increase its effectiveness and, through word of mouth, along with support from NHS England, it now helps thousands of team leaders across more than 25 trusts.

"We started working with Dynamic early last year and I would honestly say that they’ve added so much value to our training and our brand as a whole. They constantly have ideas and suggestions for better ways of working and I would thoroughly recommend their services."
Alexandra Close
Project Manager
Zero Suicide Alliance / Mersey Care
NHS Foundation Trust
"The team at Dynamic look to see how they can add value, really work in partnership and always do what they can to help deliver our vision."
Amanda Davis
Head of Leadership and Organisational Development
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals
NHS Foundation Trust
Junior doctor induction
Adapting to the changing needs of the NHS.
Dynamic has evolved this project to the induction needs of trainee doctors across the NHS for 15 years. One of our partner organisations, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board, has been working with us to help mould their junior doctors for over a decade.
Originally launched as a one module Flash-based clinical induction, it’s now a multi-module, multimedia corporate induction. Year upon year, rather than working to a fixed idea of what we think will be needed, we collaborate with stakeholders to redefine the programme and align the content and delivery to meet any new requirements.
Meeting professional needs, blending with cultures

"A wonderful experience. An opportunity to develop in areas that I personally wouldn’t have had chance"
Dr Andrea Denton
NHSEI North West
"My organisation requires a periodic review of competitors to ensure we are getting best value, and no other organisation comes close."
Neil Drury
Chesterfield Royal Hospital
NHS Foundation Trust

It’s a core part of Dynamic’s ethos.
Dynamic Business Services
Our healthcare clients

Tell us your challenge. We'll tell you how we can help.
Alternatively, call 0113 323 0760 or email contact@dynamicbusiness.co.uk.