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When it comes to raising awareness of important social issues, elearning has become a really effective tool. Our partnership with SFA in the fight against Modern slavery is just one example. Modern slavery is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world and generates annual profits of $150 billion. It affects every economy, industry and sector.
The latest figures from the UN’s International Labour Organization estimate that more than 40 million people are victims of modern slavery, including almost 25 million workers trapped in forced labour. The number of cases being reported across the globe is on the rise and you’ve probably seen some of these cases in the news.
Modern slavery is an umbrella term encompassing numerous types of serious exploitation.
Victims of modern slavery can’t leave their situation of exploitation. These people are usually controlled by threats, punishment, violence, coercion and deception.
Furthermore, there’s no ‘typical’ victim. Men, women and children of all ages are affected. But it’s true that the most vulnerable people in society form the most cases.
Modern slavery is a low risk, high gain crime. Exploiters extort money from victims in many different ways. Then, when a victim is no longer profitable to an exploiter, criminals discard their victims and they end up on the streets. Often with large amounts of debt.
Dynamic has been working in partnership with Slave-Free Alliance. It’s a social enterprise and membership initiative launched by the anti-slavery charity, Hope for Justice.
Global multinationals rank amongst their membership, including household names like Aviva, Dixons Carphone, Clarks and Arriva. In addition and just as importantly, membership also includes small to medium enterprises (SMEs) with only a few employees. They all share a common goal: working towards a slave-free supply chain.
Slave-Free Alliance is vital within the business sector. It acknowledges that slavery in supply chains is real and a key factor driving human trafficking in the developing world and across borders to countries like the UK.
SFA offers a wide range of services and access to its experts. This includes training, gap analysis, due diligence, risk management and resources. It also helps with investigations, crisis response, remediation and Slavery and Human Trafficking Statements. Larger businesses often require statements under the UK’s Modern Slavery Act 2015. But having one is considered good practice for organisations of all sizes.
Membership of Slave-Free Alliance gives employers the answers and support they need to combat this growing threat.
Slave-Free Alliance formed a relationship with Dynamic as its digital learning partner to meet the training needs of its members. Dynamic has extensive experience of providing training content on an enormous variety of subjects, not least in providing digital learning for social awareness. We’d already built several Modern Slavery modules for clients, so were a good fit for Slave-Free Alliance as they looked to find the best elearning partner. In the last 18 months, on numerous occasions, we’ve worked with each other and to identify the specific risks within the member’s business and tailor elearning packages to suit. The elearning helps to raise employee awareness of the signs of modern slavery and give them the information and confidence they need to help to remove modern slavery from their company’s supply chain.
Our relationship with Slave-Free Alliance continues to grow stronger and we look forward to helping many more companies to identify and remove any instances of modern slavery in their supply chain and make it a thing of the past.
Ready to know more about one of the best learning management systems on the market? Ask us for a demo.
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Dynamic Business Services Ltd.
The North Range
4 Harewood Yard, Harewood
Leeds LS17 9LF