Top 5 benefits of elearning in the healthcare industry



Elearning in the healthcare industry has never been such a hot topic. The aim of any healthcare organisation is to prevent serious illnesses and help patients recover as quickly as possible. This is why it’s so important that healthcare professionals learn as much as possible about the causes, symptoms and prognoses.


Thankfully, elearning allows us to keep on top of the latest developments in diagnosis and treatments, and below, we’ve come up with 5 of the key benefits elearning has in the healthcare industry.

Sepsis healthcare elearning


Healthcare elearning can happen anywhere

Healthcare professionals are incredibly busy people, but they must be provided with the continued education they need. Following a day or night shift, it’s practically impossible for them to attend a class. Elearning allows healthcare professionals to study from their office, home or even on the train. The beauty of elearning is that it’s almost as mobile as we are and can, therefore, be accessed on a laptop, tablet or smartphone. 


Healthcare elearning may be more effective than traditional learning

An elearning programme allows people to learn from wherever they want. Some people say that this isn’t as beneficial, because it doesn’t allow classroom-based discussion around topics. However, a report commissioned by the World Health Organizationfor healthcare professionals is just as, or more effective than traditional learning environments, because of the vast range of features that elearning systems contain. More on this in point number 5.
Healthcare elearning on tablet
Healthcare LMS


Healthcare elearning costs less than traditional training methods

Once you have paid the trainer, added the learning materials and hired the location, the cost for training and development can be quite high. Online training means that there is no need to reserve a training facility, and professionals can learn wherever and whenever they are not caring for patients. This means that productivity remains high, whilst at the same time, they are still receiving the necessary education required to provide quality care to their patients.


Healthcare elearning provides a resource

An elearning system, or Learning Management System (LMS), can act as a database or library for healthcare professionals to look at and research when they have questions. It may be that they remember reading something within one of the modules, but can’t quite put their finger on the greater detail. Within minutes, they can access the LMS and find all the necessary details. Elearning modules can be created with a search facility to take the user straight to their query, which makes the process of finding a solution a lot easier.


Dynamic LMS is one of the best learning management systems for healthcare, because, amongst many other features, it can also act as a message board. Consequently, healthcare organisations can update staff on the latest announcements or when they have introduced a new module.

Fire Safety for Healthcare Elearning
IPC Healthcare Elearning


Healthcare elearning is accessible and helpful to all types of learners

How do you like to learn? Elearning courses have something for everyone including audio, text, interaction, questions, images, videos and animation. The information is presented in different ways, so whatever your preferred learning style, there is something for everyone. There is no time pressure either and the user is in charge, which means that they can go at their own pace or take breaks when they see fit.


It’s so important in the healthcare industry that the information is absorbed properly, so there is no rush and people can move on to the next module only when they are ready. 

If you’d like any further information about our bespoke elearning packages, head over to the site, or get in touch. It would be great to hear from you. 


A national healthcare programme of study

Dynamic has been providing the NHS and private health and care providers with training interventions for over 20 years. For this project, Dynamic collaborated with Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, NHS England and Improvement (NHSEI) North West to create a unique programme of study for Infection Prevention Professionals.


“Working with Dynamic has been a wonderful experience.”

Dr Andrea Denton   |   IPC Lead Nurse Professional Development

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