Capturing the feeling of Christmas
A key element of Coca-Cola’s 1995 classic ad was its ability to provoke a strong emotional response and a sense of nostalgia and warmth. If you’re like me, the familiar imagery of the red truck, the snow falling down and the jolly, heart-warming music has become synonymous with the holiday season. But the feedback on this new ad, or indeed any AI generated content, is that it misses this feeling completely.
Whether it’s the ‘fakeness’ of the smiles, the blurriness of the scenes or the slightly unnerving squirrel seen in some versions of the ad, it simply doesn’t give you that warm, fuzzy feeling inside. In fact, some viewers reported feeling sick instead of excited for the festive period. This phenomenon is known as the uncanny valley, where something that is almost, but not quite, human-like or realistic can be unsettling or even repulsive. So, efforts to include happy onlookers with wide eyes and beaming smiles, in this case, ends up a little more creepy than Christmassy.