Dynamic LMS

Security update information

This page provides details regarding the February 2025 security updates for your Dynamic LMS. 

These updates are important, as it ensures that your LMS remains safe and secure. Details of the updates are provided below.

Moodle general fixes and improvements

Moodle’s general fixes and improvements details can be found here: https://moodledev.io/general/releases/4.1/4.1.16

Moodle security updates

Security updates are not published publicly until next week. If you would like further details on these, please contact us and we will provide these when they are released.

Dynamic enhancements and bug fixes

  • Bug: Programme of courses – when a new course is added to a programme, which has already started, the user status wasn’t updating correctly.
  • Enhancement: removal of the Cancel button on Add TNA and Edit
    group screens.
  • Bug: Advanced competencies – Competency goes from ‘Reassess’ to ‘Not Assessed’ when self-assessing.
  • Bug: Appraisals – missing sort order function in template table was causing error.
  • Bug: Roles – role assignments were missing from the systems training manager role, which meant that any users who were system training managers and enrolled onto courses, were not assigned as students correctly and wouldn’t gain a completion record.
  • Bug: Learning history block – accreditation history shows accreditation statuses for courses that were hidden or archived rather than stating that these courses are archived and thus not required by the user.
  • Enhancement: List all courses with settings report – new column added to display the date that a course has been modified. The date modified column will only update when the following changes have been made to a course:
      • Course settings have been updated and the Save and display button pressed.
      • Activities have been added.
      • Activity outline settings have been changed and saved.

Please note: Activity additions, such as updating quiz questions, feedback questions or adding face-to-face sessions, don’t trigger the date modified column to update. If a change in activity content is made, and you would like this registering on this report, we recommend that you have a process of resaving the course settings page or even modifying the course description to add a footnote of what was updated and clicking Save and display to trigger the update.


  • Bug: Export my development – incorrect dates were displayed on certificates within the export my development area of the users profile.
  • Enhancement: Group rules – the profile data selection box has been resized to allow more data to display making it easier to find the data you require.
  • Enhancement: Accreditation expiry email – the number of days in which a user can get repeat emails after they have expired now includes 720 days.
  • Bug: Report – Face-to-face all sessions and availability report was not sorting correctly on dates.
  • Enhancement: Advanced competencies – additional column on user display to show who previously assessed the user.
  • Enhancement: Advanced competencies – additional column on user display to show the last assessed date for the previous assessment.

If you have any questions about any of the above, please don’t hesitate to email us at helpdesk@dynamicbusiness.co.uk or phone us on 0113 323 0766.